• Упр. 238. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на время глагола в главном предложении,

    1. Я знаю, что он скоро придет. 2. Я знал, что он скоро придет. 3. Я думаю, что она будет спать в это время. 4. Я думал, что она будет спать в это время. 5. Она думает, что сделает всю работу к пяти часам. 6. Она думала, что сделает всю работу к пяти часам. 7. Она боялась, что ее друг не придет. 8. Они написали, что скоро приедут. 9. Я был уверен, что встречу его на станции. 10. Я думаю, что папа скоро напишет нам письмо, 11. Вам сказали, что в декабре мы будем писать контрольную работу? 12. Он понял, что никогда ее не забудет. 13. Я полагаю, что они вспомнят о нас. 14. Он говорит, что знает этого человека. 15. Она боялась, что ее сын весь вечер будет сидеть перед телевизором. 16. Я был уверен, что к десяти часам он уже выучит стихотворение. 17. Я знал, что к девяти часам мама уже приготовит ужин и в'девять часов вся семья будет сидеть за столом. Я боялся, что приду слишком поздно.

Ответы 2

  • На 100% не уверена1. I know that he will come soon. 2. I knew that he would come soon. 3. I think she will sleep at this time. 4. I thought that she would sleep at this time. 5. She thinks she will do all the work by five o'clock. 6. She thought she would do all the work by five o'clock. 7. She was afraid that her friend wouldn't come. 8. They wrote that they would be coming soon. 9. I was sure that I would meet him at the station. 10. I think that my father will write us a letter soon, 11. Did they tell you that in December we will write a test paper? 12. He realized that he would never forget her. 13. I believe that they will remember us. 14. He says that he knows this man. 15. She was afraid that her son would sit in front of the TV all evening. 16. I was sure that by ten o'clock he would already learn the poem. 17. I knew that by nine o'clock my mother was already preparing dinner, and at six o'clock the whole family would be sitting at the table. I was afraid that I would come too late.
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  • 1. I know he'll be here soon. 2. I knew he was coming soon. 3. I think she'll sleep at this time. 4. I thought she was going to sleep at this time. 5. She thinks she'll do all the work by five o'clock. 6. She thought she'd do all the work by five o'clock. 7. She was afraid her friend wouldn't come. 8. They said they'd be here soon. 9. I was sure I'd meet him at the station. 10. I think dad's gonna write us a letter soon, 11. You were told that in December we will write control work? 12. He realized that he will never forget it. 13. I suppose they'll remember us. 14. He says he knows this man. 15. She was afraid that her son the whole evening to sit in front of the TV. 16. I was sure that by ten o'clock he had to learn a poem. 17. I knew that by nine o'clock my mother would cook dinner and at nine o'clock the whole family would sit at the table
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