№31 - on2 - in3 - at4 - in5 - on6 - at7 - on8 - in9 - in(если имеется в виду именно здание)/at(если имеется в виду заведение, расположенное в здании) (например, спрятаться от дождя в больнице - in, сидеть в очереди к врачу в больнице - at)10-at№4cats, days, horses, flowers, potatoes, bridges, men, mice, watches, feet, lives, ladies, books, classes, seas№51 - there is2 - there are3 - is there4 - are there5 - there is6 - there are7 - there is8 - are there9 - there are10 - is there№61 - am2 - is3 - are4 - is5 - am6 - is7 - are8 - are9 - is10 - are№71 - have got2 - has got3 - has got4 - have got5 - has got6 - has Ben got7 - has your teacher got8 - have we got9 - has Anne got10 - have you got