Margaret was talking to the Osbaldistons. 2. In dim light streaming down the stairs
from behind her, he scarcely recognised the Lily he had known. 3. The barbaric
Bertie got no hint whatever that he
was barbaric. 4. The father and daughter
appeared at last. 5. Gradman is here, darling, and mother,
and Aunt Winifred,
and Kit and Michael. Is there anyone you would like to see? 6. Louis seemed
rather grave, still, retiring man, but the Caroline
of this evening, which was not the Caroline
of every day, thawed
his reserve. 7. She watched advent
of Tasburghs almost
maliciously. Hubert and young
Tasburgh at once discovered
mutual service in Mesopotamia. 8. My visit was specially made to the good Mrs. Ames. 9. Professor Beans is the man to whom you'll be responsible for your
undergraduate teaching. 10. This Pat wasn't at all like the Pat of his memories.
When she smiled he saw
the Pat he had known, the Pat
smiling at him from the worn
photo that still lay in a pocketbook
against his heart. But watching
her, he grew aware that the family was divided in its attitude. Alice and Mrs.
Baxter were partisans of a new Pat. He still
felt that he couldn't bring the two
Pats together; but he didn't hold
that against the Pat of the present.
11. A flustered Clarice stood
beside me. 12. If you are a Napoleon,
you will play a game of power; if you're a Leonardo, you'll play
for knowledge;
the stakes hardly matter. 13. At
that time I had the greatest
admiration for Impressionists. I longed to possess a Sisley
and a Degas, and I worshipped Manet.
14. The medical
practitioner quite refused to accept unhappy
theory. 15. He cared to say no more; he had thrown quite dust enough into honest
Adam's eyes. 16. This was the famous
Frank A. Cowperwood
whom he had read about. 17. A certain
Joseph Zimmerman
suggested that he undertake operating in street railway shares for him. 18.
Elsie said she would ring up Doctor Worple. 19. Poor Edward muttered
something, but what it was nobody knew.
20. The difference between the pair
was that while the father
was violent and bully, the son
had thrice the nerve and courage
of the parent, and could not merely make an attack,
but resist
it; and finding that the moment was not come when the contest between him and his
father was to be decided, he took his dinner
with perfect coolness
and appetite before the engagement
began. Old Osborne, on the contrary, was nervous and
drank much.