One of the most remarkablepublic events in my country isthe Victory Day. It istraditionally celebrated onthe 9th of May. This patrioticholiday commemorates thevictory of the USSR over theNazi Germany. Every year inhonour of this day in all citiesacross the country lots ofcheerful parades andcelebrations are held. Despitethe fact that the holiday iscelebrated in a flamboyantway, May 9 is a sad day forthe majority of ourpopulation. Many peoplehave lost their loved ones andclose relatives during thisruthless war. From one handeveryone is happy that thecountry wasn’t occupied bythe fascist invaders, from theother hand everyone grievesover their loss. On this day weare grateful to our saviors, tothose who sacrificed theirlives for us. That’s why we tryto celebrate this day withhonours. Some part ofyounger generation doesn’tunderstand the importance ofthis event, which I think isdisrespectful. In my opinion,the Victory Day is one of thegreatest holidays during theyear.