Нужно сейчас! Срочно! Нужно ответить на эти вопросы. 1.How often do you borrow more than one book from the school library? 2.How do you choose a book? 3.How often do you read magazines? 4.What kind of magazines do you read? 5.Who do you get them from? 6.How often do you give a book as present? 7.What kind of books do you buy? 8.How often do you read comics? 9.What comics do you read? 10.What sites or pages do you visit? Спасибо
I borrow more than aone book from the school library two times a weekIt depends on my mood and interestsI read magazines every dayI read magazines like National Geographic and The WeekI get them fromI give book as a present only on my birthdayI buy fantastic and detective booksI read comics three times a weekI read comics about FlashI visit educational sites