Complete the sentences with go, have, or play and the words from the box.
(bath - breakfast - concerts - chess - fun - movies - out - party - piano - -- youth club)
1 I love music but I don’t often a________ to b________ because bands don’t come to my town.
2 On school days, I have a shower but on Saturdays and Sundays I a________ a nice, long, relaxing b________ .
3 Lisa and Mark a________ to the b________ every Friday. They love watching movies together.
4 Mick can a ________ the b ________ . He takes lessons at the local music school.
5 I sometimes a ________ b ________ with my grandfather but I never win. He always takes my queen quickly!
6 We always a________ b ________ before we go to school. We have toast with butter and a cup of coffee.
7 It’s my friend’s birthday tomorrow but I can’t a________ to her b ________ because it’s my mom’s birthday on the same day.
8 My brother wants to a________ to the local b________ with me but he’s only twelve and it’s for fourteen to nineteen year olds.
9 Where do you usually meet when you a________ b________ with your friends?