1 He is seen by us in our reading-room every day2 The delegation is headed by the President.3 The child was often left alone by them at home.4 These offices were built by them last year.5 All the letter had beenn written by the secretary when we came.6 This article is much spoken about by people7 The prisoner is being examined by the detective now.8 The work has been already finished by the procurator9 I was told by the judge to wait for him10 Your claim will be have answered by the clerk by Monday11 The investigative action was being carried out by the officer from ten till twelve o'clock12 When I came home, the houuse was still being serched by the policemen.13 A new frim of attorneys has been opened by my uncle not far from here14 You can't go the court at eight tomorrow. By that time it will be closed by them.