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II. Writing
Choose the correct answer.
1.‘Can I go to the park?' ‘You can’t go … you have done your homework.’
A whileBuntilCafter
2.‘I depend … public transport to get to work.’ ‘You ought to save up and buya car.’
AonBtoCin3.‘Did you enjoy your stay in the hotel?’ ‘Yes. They were … friendly peoplethat we felt very welcome.’
A such aBsoCsuch
4. … you are tired, I’ll wash the dishes.' Thank you.’
A Because ofBSinceCDue to
5.Paul is ill at the moment.’ Yes. He’s suffering … a very bad cold.’
A ofBforCfrom6. I got lost on the way to the theatre.’ ‘If you had taken the map, you … lost.’
A wouldn’t have gotBwon’t getCwouldn’t get