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isidrol4bfThe big bang model is a broadly accepted scientific theory for the origin and evolution of uor universe.Astronomers believe that once all the matter and energy in the universe were concentrated in a single place.This place was extremely hot and dense.Then,sometime between 10 billion and 20billion years ago,an enormous and powerful explosion -The big bang -shot the concentrated matter and nergy in all directions.The clumps of matter around our own star,the sun,became planets.some planets were large enough and had enough gravity to attract matter that became moons or satellites.In 1927,the Belgian priest george Lemantre was the first to assume that the universe began with the explosion began with the explosion of a primeavl atom.Years later,edwin Hublble found experimental evidence that helped to justify Lemantres theory.He made observations and stated thath distant galaxies are going away from us in every direction at a speed proportional to heir distance from the centre of te universe.Since the big bang the universe has been continuously expanding and thus the distance between clusters of galaxies has become much bigger than it was before .This phenomenon is known as the red shift.At the same time the matter inside the galaxies continues to race away from the area where the big bang had occurred.The big bang theory also predicts the existence of cosmic background radiation(the glow left after the explosion itself).In 1964 this radiation was discovered by arno penzias and robert wilson who later won the nobel prize for this discovery .
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