The film director - the director of the movie heading and organizing film-making process, leading all stages of creative and production work on movie creation. As a matter of fact, the role of the founder of the movie was reduced at the beginning to photography of physical reality. On the screen there were pictures of the recovered world, creating events illusion. Only with cinema development, in the course of creation of film language, formation of specific art means of expression, original figurative system professional film direction began to develop. Further enrichment of graphic means of a cinema was directly connected with technical inventions: emergence of a sound, color, wide and large-format screen, advanced film-making equipment, photosensitive film etc. The director embodies an individual plan of future movie in collective coauthorship with other participants of film-making collective. The material choice enters into direct professional duties of the film director for future picture, creation of creative group, carrying out all preparatory work, the management of actually film-making process, scoring and final installation of the movie. Work of the director on the movie begins with a material choice - a fundamental principle of future work. Such fundamental principle for any movie is the scenario. The destiny of the movie in many respects depends on a choice a stsenariya.rezhisser at a choice of the ready scenario is guided first of all by creative and human agreement of opinion with the author of this scenario.