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nazariovmud1) The Americans like to move away, to change homes and jobs.
2) The Americans seem to be constantly pulling down pold and and often quite beautiful houses or throwing away things merely because they are old.
3) The Americans have none of the Englishman's sentomental love for thins because they are old.
4) The Englishman is heard to be reserve
5) The Englishman likes to keep himself to himself
6) On a long railway journey, with for Englishmen in the carriage, there won't be a word spoken during a whole journey.
7) The Englishman thinks it's illmannered to ask personal questions.
8) The American doesn't feel that way
9) The Englishman prizes privacy
10) The American prefers sociability
11) The Englishman's suburban house has its little garden with a hedge or a fence all round it to shut him off from his neighbours.
12) The Englishman's home is his castle
13) The American houses have no hedges or fences separating them from the pavement or from each other
14) The American doesn't object to being seen by everuone - he actually likes it.
15) The American sociablity goes with overhelming hospitality
16) The Americans show the keenest interest in your affairs and ask you to let them know if they can help you and... by the following week they have forgotten all about you
17) The Americans get rid of their friends as they do of their cars.
18) No one strikes up aquaintance sooner than the Americans do, and no one finds it harder to make a real friendship
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