3. Complete the following sentences with the words given below:
Chase, confused, deal with, fail, get out of the wrong side of the bed, nightmares, relief, to shake like a leaf, subconscious, under stress
1. How often do you have__________ .
2. Today I _______________ because I was scared by my nightmare.
3. I see you _________________. What's wrong with your mood?
4. Nightmares are our ____________ mind trying to deal with our stress.
5. You are often ___________, so, it's not surprising that you often see nightmares.
6. It was a great __________ for me to know that it was just a dream and not a real event.
7. I don't think you will __________ your exam only because you had a nightmare.
8. I often see a dream where scaring monsters ____________ after me.
9. I think you should _____________ your problems, your nightmares will disappear then.
10. In my dream I couldn't answer any question at the exam and I was really __________ .
1)nightmares2)am confused3)ve gotten out of the wrong side of the bed4)subconscious5)under stress6)relief7)fail8)chase9)deal with10)shaking like a leaf