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doodlesvz8xOnce there was a boy Vova. One day he went on an expedition: he took a flashlight, a camera and a stick. He walked through the forest and admired nature - the birds were chirping, butterflies were fluttering, the bees were buzzing and sitting on the most beautiful flowers. Huge emerald-covered May beetles circled like planes. Vova was greeted by mushrooms, they were pulled out on their legs and waved their hats. Vova's mood was wonderful. Everything was pleasing to the eye and hearing. How wonderful to live!
But the road began to diverge. One led to the village, and the other into the unknown. Vova, of course, went on a mysterious road. After a while, a hole appeared in the low mountain - it was a cave. A boy with fear, shining a flashlight, went in there. He disturbed the bats, and they raised a squeak scattering in different directions. The farther Vova went, the more terrible his path became. Finally, Vova walked out onto a large platform — skulls and bones lay everywhere. “The ogre probably lives here,” he thought and was not mistaken. Before he could blink an eye, a living mountain appeared in front of him. She grabbed the boy, and with horror he saw a huge eye burning in his forehead - it was a real Cyclops giant.
- Bug, who are you? - asked Cyclops.
Vova was silent.
- Why are you silent? I know you are human.
Vova shook his head.
“Am I a fool?” Do not argue with me! I'll eat you anyway!
- Do not!
- Why?
- I'd rather tell you fairy tales!
- And what is it?
- Here you will find out!
- Good! I went for food, and you sit here in a barrel!
Cyclops took Vova, put him in a huge barrel and left. The boy shed tears, walked in a barrel and began to compose a fairy tale. He recalled all the grandmother's fairy tales, and could not decide which is better to tell this freak.
After some time, came cyclops. He brought a keg of milk and sheep.
- Eat! - said Cyclops.
- I do not eat raw meat! - answered the boy.
- Good! Then I will make a fire, and you and I will eat my roasted prey.
Cyclops brought firewood and made a fire. The flames began to play merrily, and shadows danced along the cave’s arches. Vova has become even worse, he was seen everywhere monsters who probably wanted to eat him. The giant, meanwhile, strung a ram on a sharp stick and put it on fire. The barbecue tasted good and the boy drooled. The meat was ready and they began to eat.
The boy ate a small piece of meat - the rest was swallowed by a giant.
- What have you eaten so little? - asked Cyclops.
- I'm small and I eat little! - answered the boy.
- Well, stay a cockroach! - Cyclops laughed.
After dinner, the giant sprawled and called the prisoner to him. So that he did not run away, the cyclops tied him to a stone with a rope.
- I listen to you, tell me! And do not forget, if I do not like your fairy tales, I will devour you.
- Yes Yes! Of course! I'll try, ”said the boy in a shaky voice.
- Tell me!
The boy sat comfortably on the stone and began to tell the Cyclops fantastic stories about space, about aliens. Cyclops listened very carefully and marveled at the stories. Unnoticed, he fell asleep. “Yeah, I know his weak spot! This is a fairy tale! Now I will have the opportunity to get out of this lair and escape! ”Thought Vova. The night passed quickly.
It is morning. The giant woke up and went away on business. The boy decided to outwit the cyclops, he began to tell fairy tales, and record them on the recorder, which is built into the phone. The day lasted long and tiring, I wanted to eat, but there was no food. Cyclops came in the evening. He brought the same food. They ate and the giant lay down to listen to fairy tales. This time, the giant did not tie him to the stone. Vova began his story. Cyclops slowly fell asleep. And making sure that he was asleep, Vova turned on the tape recorder with the recorded tales, put it on a stone, and began to slowly get out of the cave. Waking up in the morning, the giant began to look for Vova. He looked into the barrel, looked for him behind the stone, shouted "Little bug, where are you!", But Vova was nowhere to be found. Suddenly on the stone, he saw a tiny object. He took it in his hands, and at that time Vova's voice came from this little box. The monster became angry, snarled so loudly that the boy heard his voice already being in the village. Cyclops squeezed the phone so that the voice immediately stopped, and only dust particles remained in his lapishop. For a long time the giant could not forgive his stupidity for believing the boy, and did not tie him to the stone, gave him the opportunity to escape.
In the meantime, Vova reached home and told his parents how he had deceived the giant.
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