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asa53Writing on the topic: "What do the clouds look like?" Probably, each of us likes to watch how water flows, fire burns and ... clouds float in the sky. Every time these lumps of air make you distract for even a minute and lift your head up. A breeze will blow and they appear on a blue background - light, snow-white, funny. Clouds float like waves. When I was little, I thought it was cotton candy that plays with me, forming different images of animals. And what are the clouds like? It seems to be a common cloud, some elements of water vapor. But if you take a good look, you can see a dragon, an African elephant, and a ship with air sails that carry it to uncharted worlds. They are like pieces of something big, mysterious. And they can not connect, meet. And we never know what it was from the very beginning. Clouds are always messengers of good weather. After all, as you know, after the cloudy weather, the bright sun will surely look out. And when winter comes, the clouds will give us snow. Will cover the white carpet of the roofs of houses, forests, fields. Therefore, clouds have a very important role - they are the basis of moisture in nature. In the summer they are protected from the scorching sun, and in the winter - from hypothermia. Therefore, if you feel sad or lonely, just take a break from your problems, raise your head, look at the clouds, the sky and dream. Imagine a fairy tale with knights and princesses around you. Do not hesitate, because we are all children in the shower. How can the clouds be described?
fabiolastephensThere are a lot of clouds in sky. The sky is like a deep sea. Every cloud on it is like a huge family. Each cloud is not like another, there are a different!!! Chip for us, it's cammon. But if you think about it... What a miracle!
People don't think pollute the sky with chemicals. What if the clouds dissapear? It becomes even scary that our grandchildren will see clouds only in pictures.
Фууух, всё.
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