English people have a very complicated way to set the table. There are many of plates, spoons, knifes, and forks... First, with plates: there are three/four kinds of plates, for soop, hot meals, and for desert. If you want to set it for the whole evening, first you should put a plate for hot dishes, and then a soop plate on it.Desert plate is not very useful at the moment, so we don't need it a lot)Then spoons: there are only two: for soop and for tea. Soop spoon is always at the left hand. Tea spoon is on the little plate up at the table.Forks: For salad, for fish/meat and refreshments(закуски) they are always at the left hand near the plate.Knifes: for meat, for fish, for butter, and bread. At the right hand side you actually have to put them.Also, there are a lot of glasses that we shouldn't mention now, and remember: if you are in England and you have to set the table, you should learn this rules, and never forget them;)