• Пожалуйста срочно помогите!!!Написать предложения, раскрывая скобки, поставив слово в нужной форме илиглагол в нужном времени1. What …… (you/do) for your breakfast?2. The days ….. (get) hotter since last Sunday.3. My waiter ………(be) the best at this restaurant.4. Smoked salmon is …………….(delicious) than herring.5. Our waiters……………(serve) the party tomorrow.

Ответы 1

  • 1. What do you do for breakfast?

    2. The days are getting hotter since last Sunday.

    3. My waiter was the best in this restaurant.

    4. Smoked salmon tastes better than herring.

    5. Our waiters are serving the party tomorrow.

  • Добавить свой ответ

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