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    Critical thinking and creative skills are becoming more and more important in

    the labour market, and contribute to a better personal and civic life. People will

    1 ___________ (INCREASE) have to contribute to and absorb innovation. Moreover, with

    artificial intelligence and robotics there are a lot of reasonable

    2 ___________(EXPECT) for automation in a considerable part of the economy. That’s

    why skills that are less easy to automate such as 3 ___________ (CREATE), for example,

    will become more valued.

    Most curricula in OECD countries include in one form or another critical

    thinking and creative development as student’s expected learning outcomes.

    However, teachers often are confused about what these terms actually mean and

    how to integrate them in their daily teaching practice. The OECD Centre for

    4 ___________(EDUCATION) Research and Innovation (CERI) carried out a project on

    “Fostering and Assessing Critical Thinking in Education” the aim of which was

    to develop a shared professional language on creative and critical thinking in

    education and thus, 5 __________(EVENT) facilitate its teaching, learning and formative

    assessment across countries within a given curriculum.

    Over a five-year period (including two school years of fieldwork and data

    collection), the OECD coordinated and worked with an 6 ________(NATION) network of

    schools and teachers in 11 countries representing a wide variety of cultures and

    approaches to education. Experts and teachers in the network also developed

    7 ________ (ADD) resources to exemplify how creative thinking can be taught in

    reality. It is important to provide teachers with robust professional development

    plans drawing on training sessions, individual feedback and 8 __________(PARTICIPATE) in a

    professional learning community, both through face-to-face meetings and

    digital platforms.

Ответы 1

  • 1) increase

    2) expectations

    3) creation

    4) education


    6) nationally

    7) additional

    8) participate

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