Задать 4 типа вопрсов к каждому предложений:
1. Her parents are both doctors.
2. Lane visited many countries.
3. I am keen on visiting new countries.
4. She works from 6 a.m. till 4 p.m.
5. She will meet me at the platform.
6. Molly takes dance classes.
Типы вопросов:
Общий вопрос
Специальный вопрос
Альтернативный вопрос
Разделительный вопрос
Английский языкАвтор:
Ответ по ссылке: https://znanija.site/angliiskii-yazyk/34710952.html
Fedoseewa27Добавить свой ответ
At the Polyclinic
There are many polyclinics in our country. Doctors of different specialties: therapeutist,
neurologists, surgeons, dentists, oculists, psychiatrists, urologists and nurses wore there. There are many
different laboratories, x-ray and procedure rooms, consulting and waiting rooms in our polyclinics.
When a patient comes to the polyclinics he goes to the registry first. A registering clerk on duty
asks his name, address, age, occupation and writes it down in the patient’s card.
Doctors examine their patients in their consulting rooms. During the medical examination doctors
question their patients thoroughly, listen to their heart and lungs, feel their pulse and take their blood
pressure, palpate, auscultate and percuss them, make the diagnosis, fill in their cards and prescribe them a
special treatment.
During the physical examination doctors use such methods as palpation, percussion, auscultation,
questioning a patient, feeling his pulse, taking electrocardiograms, etc.
At the end of the physical examination doctors make a diagnosis, prescribe the necessary medicine
and treatment if it is necessary.
Our doctors treat patients not only with the help of different mixtures, powders, injections, but
they always use a good bedside manner and deal with patients very carefully.
The duty of the doctor is to treat a patient not only with different remedies but with a kind word
and hearty attitude.
Exercise 2: Find English equivalents.
Врачи разных специальностей, процедурные кабинеты, медицинский осмотр, поставить диагноз,
измерять кровяное давление, лечить пациента.
Exercise 3: Find Russian equivalents.
Сonsulting and waiting rooms, listen to heart and lungs, to auscultate and percuss, prescribe them a
special treatment, to use a good bedside manner.
Exercise 4: Answer the questions.
1.What are our policlinics equipped with?
2. Where do doctors examine their patients?
3. What do doctors do during the medical examination?
4. What kind of methods do doctors use during the physical examination?
5. How must the doctor treat a patient?
Exercise 4: Put the words in the correct order to get the question. Write it down. Then answer the
question you received..
1. laboratory / you / do /know / analysis /What?
2. the doctor / assists / Who?
3. are / What / specialists / polyclinic / there / in / other / the?
4. Why / a / a / come / does / doctor / to see / patient?
5. a nurse / What / does / do?
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