Прежде чем читать текст об изобретателях и их изобретениях, ответьте на вопросы. Помогите пожалуйста
I) What are the most important inventions or innovations for you at work? And at home? What do you know about their inventors?
2) Do you often listen to the radio? Why so? What do you know about the inventor of the "clockwork radio"? Read the first paragraph of the text and check your answers.
Trevor Baylis is an inventor. In 1991, he heard about the problem of bringing health information to people in rural Africa, Radio was the best way but people had no electricity and could not pay for expensive batteries. So he invented a radio that doesn't need mains power or batteries. Instead, it consists of a spring, gears, and a small generator. So how does his clockwork radio actually function? As you turn the handle on the side of the radio, you wind up a spring, It's the same kind of steel spring used in car safety belts. It takes 60 turns to wind up the spring fully.
When the spring starts to unwind, the gears engage. There are three 1:10 step-up gears. The last step-up link is a pulley. Pulleys run more quietly than gears so this reduces noise. Each time the first gear turns, the generator tums one thousand times. As it tuns, it generates electricity-a voltage of 3V at about 30 mA. The spring has enough power to run the radio for 30 minutes before you have to wind it up again.
More than two milion clockwork radios are in use all over the world.
Trevor Baylis has also invented an electric shoe. It charges batteries as you walk.
Английский языкАвтор:
leraKlykmann пк1) If earlier everything that happened tried to get on paper, now all life is aimed at obtaining a photograph. Therefore, without this invention, which has become part of the small but rich history of photography, we would not have seen such a “reality”. Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorsky developed a special camera and introduced his brainchild to the world in 1902. This camera was capable of taking three shots of the same image, each shot through three completely different light filters: red, green, and blue. And the patent received by the inventor in 1905 can be considered, without exaggeration, the beginning of the era of color photography in Russia. This invention is becoming much better than the achievements of foreign chemists, which is an important fact in view of the massive interest in photography around the world.
Fedoseewa27Добавить свой ответ
как мне не сдержатся и не убить зеленского? хрюшку просто жалко((((((
Українська моваАвтор:
1 Какого человека мы можем назвать сильным?
2.В чем разница между силой физической и
3.Что важнее: быть сильным физически или внутренне?
4.Приведите пример из былины о Микуле и Вольге.
5.Приведите пример из любого другого изученного
6.А вы считаете себя сильным человеком? Ответ
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