Английский языкАвтор:
If you ask me how I see school of the future, I will use my imagination a lot. I always had many ideas about perfect school of future. Maybe one day I can share my ideas with government and students will have more interesting education. Today unfortunately pupils lost interest to study well, so it’s been high time already to change something.
I think school of future will have more excursions. Yes, it’s important to learn the rules, formula and phrases, but real life is going on outside. How can we know which profession to choose, if I know only few basic things about each profession. So I hope school will pay more attention and will help us to make the right choice.
Studying of foreign language is important, but how can we be motivated. It would be great if school can organize travels abroad for those students who want to succeed in foreign languages. 1-2 weeks in Great Britain or in the USA can motivate me more to speak English than conversations with all my teachers of English.
I would also change mark system. I want to be a brilliant pupil, but I understand languages and history better, than maths or chemistry. Low marks on these subject always make me sad and I want to give up. Besides I have already known that I want to study history in future, but still I spend a lot of time for maths for example. I could spend this time to improve my knowledge in history.
School of future could give us possibility to choose subjects, teachers and time to study. I am a late person and I prefer to go to school in the afternoon. Also it would be nice to have possibility to choose a teacher. All teachers are good, but sometime we can have problems and teacher can give attitude.
In general I understand that all these ideas look strange, but I think they could improve our knowledge and motivate us more.
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