The subjunctive mood in complex sentences with adverbial clauses of condition
Task 1. Analyze the form of the verb in the following sentences. Translate them into Russian.
1. Grant thought he might be staying at the hotel if he had more money on him.
2. If the weather were a little better, the park might be the most beautiful sight he had ever seen, he thought.
3. Now you remember the way, don’t you? Do you think you could possibly repeat my directions if someone asked you to?
4. I’d be surprised if this picture were any better than the ones you’ve shown me so far.
5. “Where would he go if they turned him out? What would he do if he were turned out?”
6. If you hadn’t persuaded me, I would have trusted him with my money.
7. Had you known beforehand it would turn out like that, would you have bothered to come at all?
8. Now if they could have just drawn anyone’s attention to the problem, everything would have been fine.
9. If I had been asked to give my opinion at the moment, I wouldn’t have been able to answer and would have had to say I didn’t know. I wasn’t prepared.
10. Phil wouldn’t have told her anything unless he had known her to be discreet.
11. If he were better qualified for the job, he wouldn’t have been fired. And if he hadn’t been fired, he wouldn’t be looking for a new job now.
12. Had she a better sense of timing, she would have done it on any day but that.
13. Had their circumstances not altered, they would be spending their holiday in Cyprus instead of renting a cottage in South Wales.
14. If they were not so easily moved, they wouldn’t have been deceived by his story.
15. “John wouldn’t be working in the Personnel Department unless he had been proved inadequate in other fields,” Laura said.
16. If you should choose to trust him with such task again, I won’t back you up.
17. If Duncan should be pressing you for an immediate answer, tell him to wait.
He’ll have to.
18. If you should come to our city again, be sure to come and see us. And if you should fail to come, please phone.
19. Should you have to face that challenge, will you be prepared to do it? I’d like to know whose side you are on.
20. Should there be a misunderstanding, you can always count on me.
Task 2. Paraphrase the following sentences according to the pattern.
A. I don’t know him well. I can’t remember his phone number. → If I knew him well, I would remember his phone number.
B. She pushed her brother. He fell over. → If she hadn’t pushed his brother/ Unless she had pushed her brother, he wouldn’t have fallen over.
C. He is tired. He has been working too much. → If he were tired, he wouldn’t have been working so much.
She was too rude and she realizes it, of course. No doubt she feels sorry. → If she hadn’t been too rude, she wouldn’t feel sorry now.
D. If I see him, I’ll tell him. → If I should see him // Should I see him // Were I to see him, I’ll tell you.
A.1. You don’t know anything about law. You can’t say whether the book contains errors of procedure.
2. He doesn’t have any sense. You can’t trust him with the simplest task.
3. He thinks he was wrong. He is overcome with remorse.
4. He is a straightforward person. He loathes mysteries and always insists on being told the truth.
5. I think the test is going to be very complicated. I’m revising again tonight.
6. He never feels self-doubt. He is so difficult to deal with.
7. I’m having a headache. But I don’t have time. I can’t cancel the party.
8. I don’t have much time for newspapers. I never read past the third line of any report.
9. The cover and the fly-leaf are both missing. We’ll have to guess who the author is.
10. The play seems to be going on and on forever. The audience is bored.
B. 1. I don’t know what happened. But I’m afraid he teased that dog. It was furious.
2. Archie made a mystery of the whole matter. No one could understand anything.
3. She did not understand the last few lines of the poem, so she had to go back and read them again.
4. They didn’t know how to deal with the problem, so they had to call a specialist.
5. He thought the case was unimportant… So he was indifferent. Totally uncaring, I should say.
6. The burglar, whoever he was, was in a hurry to get away. He didn’t have time to do everything expertly.
7. He didn’t know they had been planning a birthday party for him. It was a complete surprise.
8. It was his first picture. But we didn’t know about it and sounded too critical.
9. Mr. Tinker wasn’t an eyewitness at all. All she said was just hearsay.
10. He paused to wonder at the oddity of the situation. He wasted so much time! C.1. Tina looks sleepy. Obviously she had been studying too much.
2. Brian is always spending too much. Yesterday he got a letter from the bank again.
3. They are quite astonished. They never anticipated anything like that.
4. As a child, he was conditioned to obey his elders. He still behaves that way, though he is not young.
5. Last year too many young people achieved promotion. This year the company is restricting job promotion.
6. She is very pessimistic. Only yesterday she told me again that she didn’t like the look of the future. She never does!
7. George has been ignoring his doctor’s advice completely. He is much worse than when I last saw him.
8. All his life he has been a success. He is still having difficulty in assimilating the idea of failure. The habits of success are hard to break.
9. Tony’s immediate superiors didn’t know he was going to quit. No small wonder they are angry.
10. Vivian is used to her husband’s thinking only of his own problems. It is not surprising she looked suspicious of his altruism when he offered his help.
11. She is so practical. It is the attitude her mother encouraged through childhood.
12. He’s a computer wizard. He coped with that problem no one else could solve. D. 1. If the missing money is found, you’ll be the first to know.
2. If there are any changes in the schedule, you’ll be told about it.
3. If you are invited to attend the conference, will you agree?
4. If he insists on it, he’ll be given all the necessary information.
5. If Diana manages to increase productivity in the department, that will be a point in her favour.
6. If you have any problems with the new administrator, ask the assistant manager to help you.
7. It Emma is trusted with the car, she’ll feel quite confident about it.
8. “Is she nervous?” “Of course she is nervous. If someone touched her on the shoulder, she would probably spring right out of her seat.”
9. If you keep quiet about it, no one will know.
10. If you are outwitted, come to see me and we’ll think what to do about it.
Task 3. Complete the story according to the pattern.
If it were summer now, I would go to the seaside. If I went to the seaside, I would be lying on the beach. If I were lying on the beach… etc.
You may use the following beginnings:
• If I won a thousand dollars …. ;
• If I had a house/flat of my own … ;
• If I had a yacht … ;
• If I were a journalist … ;
• If I had a pet … ;
• If I could write a poetry … ;
• If I knew many languages … ;
• If met a magician and were given three wishes … ;
Task 4. Use the correct form of the infinitives in brackets.
1. If he (not to be) ill, he (to stay) with us. He (not to leave) us so soon, now would he?
2. People (not to repeat) this story if at least some of it (not to be) true. There is no smoke without fire.
3. If I (not to know) him so well, I (to be) surprised. But that’s quite like him.
4. “Is the boy manageable?” “He (to be) so, if he (not to be used) to having his own way with everyone. His parents have spoiled him.”
5. If the Larsons still (to live) here, they (can) show you that house. They were the last to remember.
6. I (to stay) away from the whole business if I (to be) you. There is something fishy here.
7. If I (to feel) something was wrong, I (to tell) you. I certainly … . But I feel nothing.
8. She (not to draw) parallels unless she (to see) so much in common between the two cases.
9. The children at school (not to tease) him so much if he (not to be) so touchy… if he (not to take offence) so easily.
10. Where we all (to be) if every mistake (to take) into account?
11. If George (to be) less patient, he (to fire) you long ago. And that’s exactly what he should have done. Poor George, he was always too tolerant!
12. If she (not to provide) them with the information, they (may) kill her.
13. He (to know) it, what a fantastic idea it (to seem) to him! But of course he couldn’t even imagine anything like that.
14. Unless the rescue party (to arrive), they (to starve) to death.
15. If Cecile (to be able) to go home once in a while, she (to be) less homesick. But that was out of the question.
16. If John (to have) better backing, his expectations (not to come) to nothing.
17. I (not to sign) that contract if there (to be) any information … any rumours about his going bankrupt.
18. If she (to be aware) of our problems at the time, nothing (to prevent) her from interfering.
19. If the detective (to go) through the case-histories first, he (to find) the robbers sooner.
20. He (to notice) the fallen chair and (not to fall over) unless the room lights (to put out).
Task 5. Translate the following sentences into English. Mind the use of the Subjunctive mood forms in adverbial clauses of condition.
1. Если бы он мог сам справиться с этой проблемой, он бы не обращался к вам за помощью.
2. Если бы эта книга не была такой интересной. Я бы не перечитывал ее снова и снова.
3. Вы бы взялись за эту работу, если бы я обещал вам помочь?
4. Она могла бы найти эту информацию, если бы у нее был доступ в интернет.
5. Я знаю, что он не вел бы себя так, если бы не был очень расстроен. На вашем месте я бы поговорил с ней.
6. Что бы вы сказали, если бы я обратился к вам за советом?
7. Если бы вы были повнимательнее, вы бы не делали столько ошибок.
8. «Что бы вы сделали на моем месте?» «Не знаю. Но я бы действовал подругому».
9. Если бы вам сделали такой подарок, вы бы приняли его?
10. Если бы он знал обо всем заранее, он бы не стал так рисковать.
11. Если бы нас вовремя не предупредили, мы бы поверили всему, что он нам рассказывал.
12. Этого бы не случилось, если бы вы проявили бóльшую осторожность.
13. Если бы вы не слушали советов людей, не разбирающихся в этом вопросе, вы бы не сделали столько ошибок.
14. Мистер Эдвардсон так изменился, что мы ни за что не узнали бы его, если бы не шрам.
15. «Он ничего не сумел скрыть от Элли. Это плохо». «А как бы вы все объяснили, если бы вы были там?»
16. Мы не стали бы с ним ссориться, если бы не выяснилось, что он все время нас обманывал.
17. Интересно, встретились бы они, если бы она не опоздала на поезд, и ей не пришлось бы ждать следующего?
18. Если бы я знал все подробности ,я не стал бы вмешиваться. Но сейчас уже поздно, изменить ничего нельзя.
19. Если бы вам повысили зарплату, вы бы не уволились, верно?
20. Если бы вы послушались меня и обратились к врачу, вам бы не было сейчас так плохо.
21. Он давно бы принял ваше предложение, если бы он не был таким упрямым.
22. «Если бы ответ на мой вопрос был утвердительным, сейчас я уже была бы занята выяснением подробностей, » - думала Элла.
23. Если бы вы не поддерживали меня все это время, мой нынешний успех был бы невозможен.
24. Если бы ваше присутствие было действительно необходимо, я бы давно написал вам и попросил приехать.
25. Если бы он был в состоянии дать хоть какой-нибудь ответ, он бы давно сделал это.
26. Если вы неожиданно задержитесь, позвоните мне.
27. Доведись вам снова встретиться, вы бы узнали его?
28. Если вы вдруг увидите эту книгу, непременно купите ее.
29. Будь я снова в этом городе, я бы непременно посетил галерею.
30. Если ему вдруг повезет, и он выиграет главный приз, что он будет с ним делать?
Английский языкАвтор:
AKmusicзадание 1
1. Грант подумал, что он мог бы остановиться в отеле, если бы у него было больше денег.
2. Если бы погода была немного лучше, парк мог бы стать самым красивым зрелищем, которое он когда-либо видел, подумал он.
3. Теперь ты помнишь дорогу, не так ли? Как вы думаете, вы могли бы повторить мои указания, если бы кто-то попросил вас об этом?
4. Я был бы удивлен, если бы эта картинка была лучше, чем те, которые вы мне показывали до сих пор.
5. «Куда бы он пошел, если бы его выгнали? Что бы он сделал, если бы его выгнали?»
6. Если бы ты меня не уговорил, я бы доверил ему свои деньги.
7. Если бы вы знали заранее, что так получится, вы бы вообще потрудились прийти?
8. Вот если бы они могли просто привлечь чье-то внимание к проблеме, все было бы хорошо.
9. Если бы меня попросили высказать свое мнение в данный момент, я бы не смог ответить и должен был бы сказать, что не знаю. Я не был готов.
10. Фил ничего бы ей не сказал, если бы не знал, что она осторожна.
11. Если бы он лучше подходил для этой работы, его бы не уволили. И если бы его не уволили, он бы сейчас не искал новую работу.
12. Если бы она лучше чувствовала время, она бы сделала это в любой день, кроме этого.
13. Если бы их обстоятельства не изменились, они бы проводили отпуск на Кипре, а не снимали коттедж в Южном Уэльсе.
14. Если бы они не были так легко растроганы, они не были бы обмануты его историей.
15. «Джон не стал бы работать в отделе кадров, если бы не доказал свою неадекватность в других областях», — сказала Лора.
16. Если ты снова решишь доверить ему такую задачу, я тебя не поддержу.
17. Если Дункан требует от вас немедленного ответа, скажите ему подождать.
Ему придется.
18. Если вам снова предстоит приехать в наш город, обязательно зайдите к нам. И если вы не сможете прийти, пожалуйста, позвоните.
19. Если вам придется столкнуться с этой проблемой, будете ли вы к ней готовы? Я хочу знать, на чьей ты стороне.
20. Если возникнет недопонимание, ты всегда можешь рассчитывать на меня.
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