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The author remembers the excitement she felt as a child when her family went to Norway every summer for vacation. The family, except for her half-sister and half-brother, was all pure Norwegian, and they all spoke Norwegian. The family trip to Norway was like going home. The author describes how her mother had to make numerous train, boat, and hotel bookings in advance by letter for the large family. She also had to ensure that they had enough clothes and other items needed for the On the day of departure, the family of ten, along with their luggage, took a train to London, then three taxis to King's Cross station, where they got on a train to Newcastle. From Newcastle, they took a boat to Oslo, where they stopped for one night to visit their grandparents. The next day, they continued their journey to the island of Fjome, which was their final destination. The author fondly remembers the peaceful boat journey down the Oslo fjord, describing the beauty of the scenery. Finally, they arrive at Fjome and the simple wooden hotel run by an elderly couple who welcomed them like old friends
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