Английский языкАвтор:
Let's start by identifying the tense and voice forms of the verbs in passage 5:
(5) The other feature which contributes to the esteem in which the modern jury is held is that it is drawn at random from a representative cross-section of society. This is not a historical survival, but a very recent adaptation of the system to satisfy democratic ideals. Since 1972, when the property qualification was abolished, the jury has become, truly, the people's course.
Tense and Voice Forms:
"contributes" - present simple, active voice
"is" - present simple, passive voice
"is drawn" - present simple, passive voice
"is" - present simple, passive voice
"is" - present simple, passive voice
"was abolished" - past simple, passive voice
"has become" - present perfect, passive voice
Now, let's identify the verbals in the sentences and identify their form:
"having been isolated" - past participle (used in a present participle construction)
"to be pronounced" - infinitive
"having" - present participle
"having deliberated" - present participle
"to undertake" - infinitive
Next, let's translate the sentences containing constructions with verbals and identify the type of the construction:
The verdict may be “guilty” or “not guilty”, the latter resulting from deliberation. (Participle construction)
Translation: Вердикт може бути "винним" або "не винним", останнє виникає від обговорення.
There is a notion that the jury panel is more likely to acquit. (Infinitive construction)
Translation: Є думка, що журі більше схильне виправдовувати.
Since the offence is a grave one, the offender is expected to be tried by jury. (Infinitive construction)
Translation: Оскільки злочин серйозний, очікується, що обвинувачений буде судитися журі.
Recent studies consider the jury trials to be an important safeguard against corruption. (Infinitive construction)
Translation: Останні дослідження вважають суди журі важливим захистом від корупції.
The jury's representing various layers of society contributes to the esteem in which the modern jury is held. (Participle construction)
Translation: Представництво журі різних соціальних верств сприяє повазі, якою користується сучасне журі.
It is for the jury to try most serious crimes. (Infinitive construction)
Translation: Завданням журі є розгляд найсерйозніших злочинів.
Finally, let's open the brackets and use the proper form of the verb in if-clauses:
If Henry II had not introduced the procedure of collegial dispute resolutions, the British wouldn't have had a jury system.
If the jurors were not selected at random for the coming trial, everyone would know their names in advance and could influence their decision.
If it is a trial by jury, the case will be tried before Crown Court.
Now, let's translate the sentences while paying attention to emphatic language means:
It is the jury that pronounces the verdict of "guilty" or "not guilty."
Translation: Саме журі виносить вердикт "винний" або "не винний."
The professor does know the history of trials by jury in Britain.
Translation: Професор дійсно знає історію судів журі в Британії.
It is not uninteresting to know the statistics of acquittals by jury trials in modern Britain.
Translation: Цікаво знати статистику виправдань за судами журі в сучасній Британії.
Were I you, I would never argue with the Judge!
Translation: Бувши на твоєму місці, я б ніколи не суперечив судді!
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