I. Translate the following phrases:1. to crash into a tree - врізатися у дерево2. to fall down - впасти3. to slip on - послизнутися на4. to hurt one’s back - пошкодити спину5. to sprain one’s ankle - вивернути лікотьII. Translate the following sentences:1. Ми катались на американському гірці, коли почалася дощ.2. Джон був радий веселитися на водних гірках.3. Мені було страшно, коли я врізався у бампер-кар.4. Мері не змогла потрапити в будинок. Вона втратила свої ключі.5. Том був у лісі і загубився.III. Match two parts to make a sentence:1. I cut my finger - a) My finger was bleeding.2. I fell off the bike - b) and I hurt my knee.3. I was cooking - c) and I burnt my left hand.4. I was playing volleyball - d) I fell off and hurt myself.5. I was jumping off a wall - e) I fell down and hit my leg.IV. Make negative and question sentences:1. Was he dancing hip hop yesterday evening? Negative: He wasn't dancing hip hop yesterday evening.2. Were they playing tennis from 5 to 6? Negative: They weren't playing tennis from 5 to 6.V. Choose the correct words:1. I crashed into a tree yesterday. Unfortunately, my best friend saw me and screamed for an ambulance.2. My brother was on a ladder cleaning the windows when he slipped and fell. Luckily, he didn’t hurt himself.3. When my cousin heard about the accident, she was shocked.