Kitchen: A kitchen is a room in a house where people prepare and cook food.Nurse: A nurse is a person who is trained to care for sick and injured people, usually in a hospital or clinic.Halloween: Halloween is a holiday that is celebrated on the 31st of October, on which children often dress in costumes and go door to door asking for candy.Gym: A gym is a place equipped for physical exercise and fitness activities.Beach: A beach is a landform alongside a body of water which consists of loose particles, such as sand or pebbles.Baker: A baker is a person who makes bread, cakes, and pastries, especially as a profession.Lunch: Lunch is a meal that people eat in the middle of the day.Builder: A builder is a person whose job is to construct or repair houses, or to manage such construction projects.New Year: New Year is an event that marks the start of a new calendar year, typically celebrated on the 1st of January.School: A school is an institution designed for the teaching of students under the supervision of teachers.