• помогите пожалуйста написать эссе по английскому!! на тему «Во всех школах должны быть обязательные благотворительные проекты, в которых учащиеся помогают людям в своих сообществах». на 7-10 предложений

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Ответы 1

  • Відповідь:

    In our cruel and unforgivable world, we should always care and help other people. That's why we need to create welfare projects to help those in need. Just think how much we could help, if not only grown-ups would participate in those projects but also schoolers, who are willing to spare some of their time. I believe we should create those welfare projects in all schools all over the country, so the communities and people can benefit from them. Let's spread love and awareness among people, instead of hate and poverty.

    • Автор:

    • 9 месяцев назад
    • 10
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