John a moment ago blew out the candle and said he almost did. 2.-what it looks like? He is small in stature, he has blue eyes and blonde hair. 3. is it the people? He is kind and always helps. 4. Nick has just started the clock, but they don't go (not work). 5. my little brother had never heard of Roalde dala. 6. you sit with someone at a desk? (You are sharing a desk with someone?) 7. She was always cheerful child. 8. Little Sarah just got a mouth full of candy. She will eat? 9. he had never talked with regret. 10. have you ever lit candles? When you did the last time? Where was it? 11. minutes ago Helena bandaged scarf around the throat, and then razmotala it again.B. 1. When my mom comes back, we have zasnem. 2. I think I'm going to cook dinner by the time you come back. 3. you nakroeš′ the 6:0 on the table? 4. by this time tomorrow we already are coming to Washington. 5. by the time this letter comes, he will already know it all. 6. the film had already been completed by this time. 7. you are pozavtrakaeš′ to 10:0? 8. Come in seven. I finish my homework.C. 1. Did you see how he himself was pushing sleds? 2. without doubt, Anya is the most cheerful (cheerful) kid in class. Yesterday I watched as she jumped. 3. have you heard that someone knocks at the door? 4. I didn't expect George will grow flowers with such love and care. 5. Andrew noticed that Alice propped up the blanket a little Philippe. 6. I've heard that Jane said she can barely make ends meet. 7. we did not expect that they would oppose the plan.