He said that he sees that it's an old man.The old man said that he's 90.Mr Small asked the man to give the children some more advices about a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.Old man told to follow his example: don't smoke, don't drink, don't eat too much sugar or fat and drink lots of water.Dr Foam asked how old is the man.The man said that he is 95.Doctor Foam asked him to tell them why he had leave so long.He said thet it's easy. He always does exerise, he doesn't smoke or drink. He spends a lot of time in the open air and he's a vegetarian.She asked to ask him a couple of questions.The old man said yes.Mrs Bulmed asked the old man why does he leave so long.The old man said that he doesn't know.Mrs Bulmed asked him to tell them about his lifestyle.He said that he smokes thirty cigarettes a day and drinks a bottle of whisky every day. Sometimes he also has two bottles of beer. He never eats vegetables or fruit ans he lives on chocolate and cakes.Mrs Bulmed asked him about his age.The 'old' man said that he's fourty.