Юфо прочитал текст о Тайни невнимательно. Исправь его утверждения.
Образец In the morning Tiny watches TV.- In the morning Tiny does not watch TV. He goes to school.
1)After breakfast Tiny does his homework.
2)Tiny has lunch at half past two.
3)After lunch Tine plays the piano.
4)His friends visit him in the afternoon.
Английский языкАвтор:
eva1)After breakfast Tiny does his homework. -After breakfast Tiny does not do his homework. He leaves his house and goes to school
2)Tiny has lunch at half past two.-Tiny doesn*t have lunch at half past two. He has lunch at 2 sharp.Tiny watches TV at half past two
3)After lunch Tine plays the piano.-After lunch TinY does not play the piano.-After lunch Tine plays COMPUTER GAMES.
4)His friends visit him in the afternoon. -His friends don*t visit him in the afternoon. His friends visit him in the evening.
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рассмотрите сухие и набухшие семена фасоли. сравните их размеры и форму.
при добавлении к соляной кислоте соды происходит:
а) выпадение осадка
б) образование газа (думаю, что этот вар., но сомневаюсь.)
в) изменение окраски
г) испарение воды.
Решите плиз два неравенства
1) 9х -11>5(2х-3)
2) х^2 + 7х -8 ≥ 0