Сочинение на английском "историческое место в Украине" 75-100слов
Английский языкАвтор:
copperdguzCastle Bridge in Kamenetz-Podolsk - landmarkof national significance. And not because he isknown for its fortress of Kamenets, and not because it so often seen in films taken at the local open spaces.Castle Bridge was included in the "Ukrainian Book of Records" as the oldest bridge in Ukraine. They say that he is depicted on Trajan's Column in Rome
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основания равнобокой трапеции равны 14 м и 8 м,а один из углов равен 45 градусов.найдите площадь трапеции
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Русский языкАвтор:
помогите пожалуйста перевести и ответить на вопросы правда или нет You just love collecting!That's the result of the hobby survey that we made a few weeks ago.72% of you said that you were fond of collecting-and the most popular collection was stamps,with stickers coming next.Collecting is among the five most favourite hobbies or interests you are involved in.The survey showed that 77 out of 100 of you preferred spending time outdoors and the most favourite places to hang out are playgrounds and parks.You also said that you liked sports.Swimming came top.Swimming,football and riding a bike are the most popular activities but when it came yo taking up a new activity,23% of you wanted to try horse-riding.Most of you said you liked reading -and most of that young people are not couch potatoes.It also showed that not everyone watched TV-just over 80%,and you,re quite choosy about what you watch!33% of you spend almost four hours each day in front of the television.50% of you 1)now much time do you spend on computer games spend five hours a week playing computer games ? 2)
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