Задайте к данным предложениям по три вопроса : общий и два специальных. Обращайтевниманиенавремясказуемоговпредложении.
1. Our parents have visited their native town this year.
2. She will have read the new book by tomorrow.
3. I had completed by translation by that time yesterday.
Употребите модальные глаголы can, may или must.
1. My brother ... come and help you in the garden.
2. Don't go to the wood alone: you ... lose your way.
3. You ... not make notes in the books.
4. My friend ...not come in time.
5… we take notes with a pencil?
Английский языкАвтор:
godivaxejw1. Our parents have visited their native town this year.
Have our parents visited their native town this year?
What town have our parents visited this year?
Who has visited their native town this year?
2. She will have read the new book by tomorrow.
Will she have read the new book by tomorrow?
What book will she have read by tomorrow?
Who will have read the new book by tomorrow?
3. I had completed the translation by that time yesterday.
Had you completed the translation by that time yesterday?
What had you completed by that time yesterday?
Who had completed the translation by that time yesterday?
Употребите модальные глаголы can, may или must.
1. My brother can come and help you in the garden.
2. Don't go to the wood alone: you may lose your way.
3. You must not make notes in the books.
4. My friend cannot come in time.
5 May/Can we take notes with a pencil?
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Русский языкАвтор:
Объем (н.у.) воздуха, необходимый для полного сгорания 100 м3 природного газа, содержащего 98% по объему метана (остальное – негорючие примеси), примерно равен … м3.
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