My English lesson - Урок английского языкаWe study many subjects at school . We have classes in the Russian Languageand Literature , Mathematics , Biology, Geography , Physics , Chemistry , History,Computer Science ( 1 ) . English is one of my favourite subjects .We have our English lessons in a very good language laboratory . It has allnecessary technical equipment ( 2) : a record- player, a cassette- recorder, a filmstripprojector , a TV set , tables with different rules , pictures , maps and a large book- casewith many English books . That makes our lessons more interesting and attractive .At our English lessons we learn to speak English. We study pronunciation ,vocabulary and grammar . We learn many poems and songs , read texts , listen tospoken English on different cassettes , imitating the sounds and intonation of nativespeakers ( 3) .At the lessons we have a good oral practice ( 4) . They say ( 5) that the best wayto improve ( 6) one' s English is to speak aloud . We discuss different themes , askquestions on a given topic and answer them , make up stories and dialogues , do alot of grammar exercises . We dramatise texts and dialogues and set up role- plays .Sometimes we take part in different quiz -games. They are very interesting. Welearn rhymes and poems by heart and recite them at the lessons or at our Englishparties . I am fond of English and it is not difficult for me to learn it . I can copewith ( 7) all the tasks without any effort . But there are some pupils in our class whocan' t cope with all teachers ' requirements ( 8) in a proper way . They can' tunderstand English well and find it difficult to speak and write . Our teacher helpsthem to improve their knowledge of English after classes .I like my English lessons very much because it is very interesting to knowsomething new about other countries and to speak with foreigners withoutinterpreters ( 9) .