Помогите пожалуйста написать проект про книгу.Обсалютно любую.Нужно написать про автора,в каком году вышла книга,и кратко изложить ее.И все это на английском языке.Я бы и сама написал но не знаю с чего начать)
Зарание спасибо кто откликнится))
Английский языкАвтор:
axelevansНа примере Пушкина - "Евгений Онегин":
A. S. Pushkin - the greatest Russian poet!
"Eugene Onegin" - a novel in poems, written in the years 1823-1831.
The novel begins grumbling thoughts young gentleman Eugene Onegin, dedicated his uncle illness forced him to leave St. Petersburg and go to the patient bedside to say goodbye to him. So denoting the string, the author devotes the first chapter of the story of the origin, the family life of his hero to the news of the disease relative. The story is in the name of the anonymous author, will present a good friend Onegin.
Eugene goes to see her uncle in the village. On arrival, it turns out that his uncle died, and Eugene became his successor. Onegin settled in the country, but here it overcomes the blues.Onegin is a neighbor who had come from Germany eighteen Vladimir Lensky, romantic poet. Lensky and Onegin converge. Lena is in love with Olga Larina, the daughter of a landowner.Faced with Onegin, Tatiana falls in love with him, and wrote him a letter. However, Onegin rejects her, he is not looking for a quiet family life. Lensky and Onegin invited to Larin.
At a dinner at the Larin Onegin, in order to get jealous Lensky, suddenly begins to care for Olga. Lenski calls him to a duel. The fight ends with the death of Lensky and Onegin leaves the village.Three years later he appeared in Moscow and meets Tatiana. She is a great lady, the wife of a general. Onegin falls in love with her, but this time it had already rejected it. Tatiana also loves him, but says he wants to remain faithful to her husband.Как - то так. Успехов.
heliodoroДобавить свой ответ
витя полчаса шел до остановки автобуса,а потом 40 мин ехал на автобусе,Во сколько раз скорость ходьбы меньше скорости езды,если витя проехал в 10 раз больше расстояние чем прошел?
топик по англискому на тему changes in the climatein the weather
Английский языкАвтор:
Организация войска при Хлодвиге и Карле Мартелле