1.Food,sleep,safety,support,success.2. We can live without a want, but we cant live without a need.3.Beacause humanbeings want better things. It is just the way it is.4.Farmer,chef,bucher.(danone). Assistant at a bed shop, worker at a factory that makes beds, worker at a factory that makes matresses.(IKEA).Security, parent, goverment.(Цезарь сателит). A humanbeing at a hotline, friend, psychologist. Parent, friend, guru.(HR).5.Guides, hotels, etc.6.People say that they want it over and over, and in their mind want transforms into a need.7.Because diamonds show that you are rich, and water does not. If you are rich you are famous. If you are famous you have friend, ETC.8.They communicate and work toghether.9. On value. Whether it is dollars euros or pound, we are all dependent upon value.10. Mother nature. God (if he exsists). ME.