Once upon a time there was a nice guy by the name of Jack. Once Jack met with the Devil. Jack was not from timid and invited the Satan to drink with it on a glass of beer. In a pub he persuaded the Devil to turn into a coin that was than to pay for beer. The Satan, without thinking twice, turned back a coin. And Jack also put a silver cross on a coin. And the cross, as we know, deprives of the Devil of supernatural forces. Also the Devil began to persuade Jack to release him. And Jack also speaks: "I will release you, but with one condition - my soul you will leave alone and when I die, to be to me not in a hell, and in paradise".And here Jack grew old and died, and to paradise him don't let. Jack went to the Devil, and that told that a condition of the transaction can't violate and in a hell it won't take away.And on the street it is dark, it is visible nothing and where now to go to Jack, he doesn't know. He at the Satan elicited the burning piece of coal, cut out a lamp from pumpkin, put in it a piece of coal and since then goes all over the world, with a piece of coal shines...