come · decide · do · get · give · go · have · look ·meet · offer · see · travelDick doesn't have a car and GOES/TRAVELS (1) to work by bus every day. He doesn't have to wait very long for the bus, but he HAS(2) to change buses once.On Friday, the bus drivers DECIDED (3) to go on strike for the day, so there were no buses. Nowit was Saturday and Dick was working in his garden. His next-door neighbour Tom, leant over the garden fence.'So you won't have managed to get to work yesterday, then?' - he said. 'Actually, I DID GET (4)to work,'said Dick, 'A colleague OFFERED (5) me a lift.Then Tom's wife Marge came out to call Tom in for tea. 'Hello Dick', she said, 'I must say your garden LOOKS (6) beautiful now you've added the pond and the waterfall. Did you do it all yourself?' - 'Well, I DID DO (7) most of it myself, yes, but to be honest I GOT (8) a bit of help from my brother, Harry.''Oh, was Harry here? GIVE (9) him my regards next time you SEE (10) him, won't you.' - 'Will do', said Dick.'My sister Betty has just popped round to see us, I think you MET (11) her at our drinks party, didn't you? We're just about to have some tea. DO COME (12) in and join us.'said Marge. - 'Love to', replied Dick, blushing slightly and hoping that Marge wouldn't notice.