Match the question to the answers What is his full name ?
How old is he?
When is his birthday?
Where is he from?
What does he look like?
Has he got any brothers?
What hobbies has he got?
Does he play football well?
Yes,he's got a brother and a sister.
He's clever and caring, quite cool.
Yes he does,he's the captain of the team.
Painting and football.
He is from Sochi.
Dmitry Ivanovich Korshunov.
On the 6th of July.
Hes tall with short dark hair and blue.
He is thirteen years old.
Подходим вопрос к ответам Что такое его полное имя?
Сколько ему лет?
Когда у него день рождения?
Откуда он?
Что он выглядит?
Неужели он получил какие-то братья?
Какие увлечения уже он есть?
Играет ли он в футбол хорошо?
Да, у него есть брат и сестра.
Он умный и заботливый, довольно прохладно.
Да он делает, он капитан команды.
Живопись и футбол.
Он из Сочи.
Дмитрий Иванович Коршунов.
На 6 июля.
Hes высотой с короткими темными волосами и голубыми.
Он тринадцать лет.
what is his full name? dmitry ivanovich old is he? he is thirteen years oldwhen is his bday? on the 6th of julywhere is he from? he is from sochiwhat does he look like? he is tall with short dark hair and blue..eyes (не дописано у тебя там, думаю ты имела в виду eyes)has he got any brothers or sisters? yes, he has got a brother and a sisterwhat hobbies has he got? painting and footbaldoes he play footbal well? yes he does, he is the captain of the team