Тебе повезло , я очень хорошо знаю русский и английский языки ! Я англичанка ! Interviewer: Hello, let me ask you a few questions?Simon: Yes, of course.Interviewer: Why did you choose this mountain to conquer?Joe: At that time, we were young and full of determination, it seemed to us, if we do this, our names will be known.Interviewer: What did you first think when Joe broke his leg?Joe: I started to prepare themselves for the fact that this is the end for me, because the way it should have happened.Simon: I realized that the best way for me to leave Joe there, but could not accept this.Interviewer: How did you feel going down the mountain alive?Simon: I and my friend were alive, I was the happiest man in the moment.Joe: You and can not imagine how I was glad. I can never repay Simon his act.