1 The first Olympic Games took place in 776 B.C.2 The Olympic games took place every four years in the ancient times.3 The first competitions were only men. 4 The Olympic games were abolished by King Theodosius. 5 The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. 6 The Olympic Games are organised by the International Olympic Committee. 7 The president of the International Olympic Committee first makes a speech before inviting the head of state of the host country to officially declare the Games open. 8 Traditionally, the athletes of Greece always march the first around the stadium. 9 The Olympic Flame is lit by the last carrier of a relay of runners. Так как текст не был дан, то ответы написала по собственным знаниям. Ответы верные, но возможно что в тексте написано что-то другое к вопросам 7 и 9 (кто-то конкретный или более\менее подробно описано)