Запиши вопросы. 1) There is a small field next to the house Is there 2)People will work in the garden in May.When will 3)They will live on the farm next summer. Where will 4)Ann likes small flowers. what does 5)He will come to this hill on Sunday to ski and to toboggan.Why will очень очень очень срочно
Английский языкАвтор:
spencer71) There is a small field next to the house
Is there a small field next to the house?
2)People will work in the garden in May.
When will people work in the garden?
3)They will live on the farm next summer.
Where will they live next summer?
4)Ann likes small flowers.
What does Ann like?
5)He will come to this hill on Sunday to ski and to toboggan.
Why will he come to this hill on Sunday?
buckyIs there a small field next to the house?
When will people work in the garden?
Where will they live next summer?
What does Ann like?
Why will he come to this hill on Sunday?
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