National newspapers are those, that are published daily on weekdays and also on Sundays in the country.Tabloids are popular newspapers which are half the size of a broadsheet for those readers who want
to read shorter, entertaining stories and reports of the
latest scandals about celebrities, often with large colourful bright pictures and photos.Tabloids are the papers which are known for their large headlines
and simple style.The most popular tabloids are “The Sun” and “The Daily
Mirror”. “The Daily Star” is similar to “The Daily Mirror”, but
it the paper that has a greater number of young women readers. Broadsheets are the serious newspapers that cater for readers who want
detailed information on a wide range of home and overseas news.Dailies are the papers which are published every day.Weeklies are the papers which are published every week.Sunday papers are popular with those who like to read newspapers on Sundays.Regional papers are those that contain information which is important for that particular region.Local papers cater for people who want to know all local news.Free sheets are those which are given away freely.(They are free of charge).