задание номер 27 на стр. 77 (учебник афанасьева михеева 7 класс)
Задание: Some of these sentences are not grammatical because they have no articles. Use the right articles in the right places to get correct sentences.
Предложения: 1. What big college! It has thousand students. Ben is planning to go to college as on as he finishes school. College that my brother goes trains managers.
2. On Sundays we ofthen watch television together. We have just bought new television, its biggest television I ve ever seen. Turn off television: its past your bedtime.
3. Poor man, he hasnt got home and he hasnt got family. Come at any time, I`ll be at home. This house is best home for them, Im sure they ll be very happy here.
4. Look at hospital! Can you see man at window on ground floor? After his third day at hospital Victor felt much better. I d like to be nurse and work in big hospital.
5. At what age do English children go to school? School I go to is not far from my house. - Whats this red brick building? - Its school
Английский языкАвтор:
rich211. What a big college! It has a thousand students. Ben is planning to go to college as....The college that my brother....
2. We watch television together. We have just bought a new television, it is the biggest television . Turn off the television . The-1. конкретный предмет (телик) по ситуации- впервые употребляется предм. 2. Превосходная степень прилагательноет. Без артикля - устойчивое словосочетание .
3. He hasn't got a home and hasn't got a family. I'll be at home. This house is the best home.
4. Look at the hospital! Can you see a man at thw window on the ground floor? After his third day at hospital Victor felt better. I' d like to be a nurse and work in a big hospital. A - 1. Один из класса предметов, упоминается впервые; 2. Описательное определение (прилагательное + сущ в единственном числе)
5. At what age do English children go to school? (Устойчивое словосочетание ходить в школу) the school I go to.... This red brick building? Без артикля, потому что с указательным местоимением. It' s a school
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Русский языкАвтор:
Українська моваАвтор:
1.Найдите старославянизмы:
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Русский языкАвтор:
1. Определите, какой из масштабов наибольший:
прошу помогите прошу? если поможете поставлю такой же вопрсо на 25 пунктов!