Они прорастут, точнее появится корень и тд
hailieСначала семена набухнут и увеличатся в размере в 2-3 раза. Через маленькое отверстие семявход (микропиле) семя дышит. Через него же внутрь семени поступает вода. После чего семя набухает и прорастает. Для прорастания различным растениям необходимо различное количество воды. Фасоль поглощают воду в количестве два раза превышаешую массу самих семян.
howiekramerДобавить свой ответ
Мотоцикл проехал расстояние 160 км за 4 часа,а автомобиль половину этого времени проехал на 20 км больше. На сколько скорость мотоцикла меньше скорости автомобиля?
Найдите словосочетания сущ+прил. И определите у них падеж,род,число ,виделите оканчания.
В горе великом она: мчится из-за моря к ней плодородная ,дивная фея-весна!
Русский языкАвтор:
В столовую привезли 6 мешков пшеничной муки, по 49 кг 500 граммов в каждом.Муку расходовали в течение 8 дней, каждый день поровну. После этого осталось 33 кг муки. Сколько килограммов муки расходовали каждый день? На сколько дней хватит оставшейся муки, если ее будут расходовать так же?
привет)) помогите пож-та. Solitude is a great chastener once you accepted it. It quietly eliminates all sorts of traits that were a part of you – among others, the desire to pose, to keep your best food forever in evidence, to impress people as being something you would like to have them think you are even when you are not. Some men I know are able to pose even in solitude; had they male servants they no doubt would be heroes to them. But I find it the hardest kind of work myself, and as I am lazy I have stopped trying. To act without an audience is so tiresome and profitless that you gradually give it up and at last forget how to act at all. For you become more interested in making the acquaintance of yourself as you really are, which is a meeting that, in the haunts of men, rarely take place. It is gratifying, for example, to discover that you prefer to be clean rather than dirty even when there is no one but God to care; it is just as amusing to note, however, that for scrupulous cleanliness you are not inclined to make superhuman sacrifices, although you used to believe you were. Clothes, you learn, with something of a shock, have for you no interest whatsoever… You learn to regard dress merely as covering, a precaution. For its colour and its cut you care nothing. 1. The title below that best expresses the ideas of this paragraph is ……… . A Carelessness in Clothes B Acting Without an Audience C Discoveries Through Solitude D Showing Off to Best Advantage E Being a Hero to Yourself 2. A desire to appear at your best is a trait that ……… . A goes with laziness B may disappear when you are alone C depends primarily on clothes D is inhuman E is evil 3. In solitude, clothes ……… . A constitute one item that pleases their owner B make one careless C are part of acting D are valued for their utility alone E are tiresome 4. The desire to appear well-dressed usually depends upon ……… . A an audience B industriousness C personal pride D the need for cleanliness E a fondness of acting 5. The activities of everyday life seldom give us the chance to ……… . A learn our own peculiarities B keep our best food forward C impress people D dress as we would like E be immaculately clean
Английский языкАвтор: