In my future I want to be a teacher. \"Why?\" - may be you ask me. \"It\'s very difficult\"? - you can say me. So, I try to explain now.I chose such important profession because I like children. I want to explain them some rules. I want to teach them something good and kind. Also I remember how in my childhood we played such game “The teacher and pupils”. And I prefered to be the teacher often. To my mind the Foreign Literature is the most interesting subject. Poems, novels, tellings of famous authors, their life and stories... I want to know everything and share my knowledge with the pupils. I know that I say very banal and simple things but it\'s true.I think that today the profession of teacher is not very popular. I think it is because of people want a lot of money always. But the profession of teacher is not highly paid today. But someone must be teacher! And my parents sometimes repeat such words for me “who, if not me?”…So, who if not me?