It was early morning. Mike and Ben were playing football in the yard, when accidentally ball broken window in the garret. The boys immediately ran into the house and went up. They were scared, because the house was new and they knew that their parent wouldn’t be happy when they found out about the accident. In the garret, they found the ball in box with a lot of papers. Mike took one of them. “It is a treasure map!” – he exclaimed happily. “Really? Let me see!” – Ben answered. It turned out that the treasure was somewhere in the garden. They started looking for it. After a few hours, they finally found it under the tree. The boys were anxious in anticipation of gold coins. When they opened the box, they found old toys and staff of somebody else. “Well, that’s also the treasure” – said Ben sadly.Было раннее утро. Майк и Бен играли в футбол во дворе, когда случайно мяч разбил окно на чердаке. Мальчики тут же ворвались в дом и поднялись. Они испугались, потому что дом был новым, и они з