1) The word \'microscope\' is made by combining two Greek words: mikrós, or \'small\', and skopeîn, \'to look\'. It means an equipment for research of tiny objects.2) It was invented by Dutch optometrists Zacharias Janssen and Hans Lippershey in 1590 as a result of the working on glasses.3) The first compound microscope was built by Cornelis Drebbel in 1619.4) The Jansen microscope allowed to magnify objects three and up to ten times.5) Anton van Leeuwenhoek explored bacterias with his microscope that had magnification of 270x.6) Hans Lippershey applied for the first telescope patent in 1608.7) The first telescope had 3x magnification.8) Modern telescopes are used in astronomical observatories.9) Galileo Galilei watched the planets and confirmed heliocentrism model.