1. Раскрой скобки и напиши глаголы в Present Simple.1) My daughter plays in the garden every day. 2) Jane Has a sister and a brother. 3) Mary often cooks for her children. 4) He studies English. 5) My mother is very kind. 6) Her sister often watches romantic comedies. 7) Richard does his homework every evening. 8) She goes to school at 09.00. 9) My sister brushes the teeth every evening. 10) We eat bread in the morning.Типичые обстоятельства для времени Present Simple: usually, sometimes, seldom, often.Действие в данном времени происходит постоянно и иногда. Как правило, к глаголам добавляется окончание S. Только к глаголам единственного числа в третьем лице. Это местоимения: HE, SHE, IT.