Нам нужно ответить на вопросы, используя Past Perfect.
Оно обозначает, что действие завершилось до другого действия в прошлом, образуется при помощи had + 3 форма глагола (правильный глагол с окончанием -ed, неправильный глагол - надо запомнить форму).
- Why did she refuse to go to the pictures with you? - She refused to go to the pictures because she had already seen the film.
- Why couldn’t you get into the flat? - I couldn’t get into the flat because I had lost the key.
- Why did you come so soon from your holiday? - I came so soon from my holiday because I had spent all the money.
- Why didn’t you see Ann on Sunday? - I didn’t see Ann on Sunday because she had gone for the weekend.
- Why did you rush to the cloak-room during the first break? - I rushed to the cloak-room during the first break because I had left the books there.
- Why didn’t you ring Tom up? - I didn’t ring Tom up because I had quarrelled with him.
- Why didn’t Mike bring the photos to the party? - Mike didn`t bring the photos to the party because he hadn`t developed them.
- Why didn’t you send him a letter at once? - I didn’t send him a letter because I had sent a telegram.
- Why didn’t you cook salad? - I didn’t cook salad because I hadn`t bought vegetables.
- Why did he feel so upset? - He felt so upset because he had lost his job.