• Put in suitable conjunctions: 1. I believe you ___________ I know you well. A. so that B. in order C. because 2. ___________

Ответы 1

  • 1. I believe you because I know you well.

    A. so that B. in order C. because

    2. As it is wet, we shall stay at home.

    A. As B. So C. In order

    3. Since you feel tired, you should rest.

    A. Since B. For fear C. Lest

    4. The snow blew in our faces so that we could hardly see.

    A. so that B. because C. so

    5. I’ll ring her up lest she should forget about it.

    A. for B. lest C. seeing that

    6. I went away because there was no one there.

    A. so B. because C. in order that

    7. He walked quickly for he was in a great hurry.

    A. so that B. for fear that C. for

    8. The invitations were sent early so that the delegates might arrive in time.

    A. so that B. because C. since

    9. The teacher speaks slowly, in order that his pupils may understand him.

    A. because B. in order that C. lest

    10. They climbed higher seeing that they might get the better view.

    A. that B. seeing that C. for fear that

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