• Поставьте вопросы, начинающиеся с вопросительного слова, данного в скобках: 1. He speaks English very well. (How well)

Ответы 1

  • 1. He speaks English very well. How well does he speak English? 2. I studied history yesterday. When did I study history? 3. My friend comes home late. Why does my friend come home late? 4. I shall write you a letter. What shall I write you? 5. We play football at a stadium. Where do we play football? 6. I read a very interesting book last week. What book did I read last week? 7. We worked in militia two years ago. Where did we work two years ago? 8. I shall give you the book tomorrow. What shall I give you tomorrow? 9. He asked me many questions. Whom did he ask many questions? 10. The students go to school every day. How often do the students go to school? 11. We shall meet on Sunday. When shall we meet? 12. I was very busy on Wednesday. Why was I very busy on Wednesday? 13. He goes to school by bus. How does he go to school? 14. My friend makes many mistakes. How many mistakes does my friend make? 15. I finished school last year. When did I finish school? 16. My friend served in the army in the Far East. Where did my friend serve in the army? 17. His parents work at the same factory. Whose parents work at the same factory? 18. The teacher answered all our questions. How many questions did the teacher answer? 19. He is fond of folk music. What kind of music is he fond of? 

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